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Parames Foomooljareon
Head of Innovation Hive Unit and AIS Corporate Trainer

As an experienced professional trainer with a strong focus on designthinking, innovation culture transformation, and digital transformation, I bring over 8 years of valuable experience in spearheading corporate innovation initiatives. My expertise lies in cultivating entrepreneurial skills and mindsets among employees, establishing comprehensive ecosystems to bolster internal innovation, and effectively managing company research and development portfolio. Additionally, I boast 10 years ofexperience in AIS Mobile Radio Network and Service Strategic Planning, further enriching my skill set and understanding of the industry. I am passionate about driving organizational growth and empowering individuals to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape.
AIS Design Thinking Master Trainer.
AIS Jump Thailand Hackathon 2021 program lead
AIS INNOJUMP Competition2019, 2020 and 2023, an internal innovation project competition program lead.
Judge/Mentor for Thailand Prime minister's Awards for Health Promotion Innovation 2021, 2022, 2023 by Thai Health Promotion Foundation.
Judge for Innovation project competition of corporates and Universities (e.g. SCG, CU, KMUTNB)
Teaching Style
Hybrid teaching between demonstrator and workshop style.
Taught Curriculum
Digital Transformation and Navigating Ambiguity with Creativity: The Process-driven Approach
AIS Academy Visionary Customer

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